8th Class Mathematics 2017 Regular Previous paper Jammu Jkbose

8th Class Mathematics 2017 Regular Previous paper Jammu Jkbose

8th Class Mathematics 2017 Regular Previous paper Jammu Jkbose

Fill in the blanks. Each part carry 01 mark.
        I.      The reciprocal of -5 is_____________
      II.      Sum of angles of pentagon is = ________
    III.      A _______ is a pictorial representation of data using symbols.
    IV.      Cube root of 64 is equal to ______
      V.      Evaluate
    VI.      (-4)-2 = _______
  VII.      am x an = _______

Very  Short answer type questions. Carrying 02 marks each
Q1. Solve the equation
       3/7 + x  = 17/7   
Q2. Simplify and express the result in power notation with positive exponents.
      ( 3 -7  ÷ 3-10 ) = 3 -5
Q3. Find the value of m for which
      5m  ÷ 5-3 = 55
Q4. Multiply the binomials
     (2x +5) and (4x - 3)
Q5. Factories
     49p2 - 36
Q6. The area of Rhombus is 240cm2 and one of the diagonal is 16 cm. Find the other  diagonal.

Q7. Convert the ratio percentage 3:4.

Short answer type questions. Carrying 03 marks each.
Q8. Three consecutive integer add up to 51. What are the integers?
Q9. Calculate the amount and Compound interest on Rs 10800 for 3 year at 12 ½ % per annum Compounded annually.
Q10.                     Find the area of Rhombus whose side is 6cm and whose altitude is 4cm.
Q11.                     An item is marked Rs 840 is sold for Rs 714. What is the discount and discount %.
Q12.                     Factories
                  P2 +6p + 8
Long answer type Questions. Carrying 05 marks each.
Q13.                     Using
           A2 – b2 = ( a + b) (a – b )
            Find (1.02)2 – (0.98)2
Q14.                     Simplify
Q15.                     Find the height of a Cubiod whose base area is 180cm2 and Volume is 900cm3
Q16.                     A road  roller takes 750 complete resolution to move once over to level a road. Find the area of the road if the diameter of the road roller is 84cm and length is 1m.

Q17.                     Construct a quadrilateral MORE, MO = 6cm, OR =4.5.
Q18.                     Angle M= 60⁰, Angle O =105⁰ and Angle R=105⁰
Q19.                     Construct a quad ABCD in which AB = 4.5cm, BC = 5.5cm , CD = 4cm and AC= 7cm

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