10th Class Science Regular Paper 2017 Jammu Jkbose PDF Download

10th Class Science Regular Paper 2017 Jammu Jkbose PDF Download

10th Class Science Regular Paper 2017 Jammu Jkbose PDF Download

10th Class Science Regular Paper 2017 Jammu Jkbose PDF Download

(Long Answer Type Questions)

  1. What are Spherical Mirrors? Explain, hoe a concave mirror is different fro, a convex mirror?
Explain the laws of refraction of Light.
(Short Answer Type Questions)

  1. What do you understand by Resistances in series?
What is meant by Potential Difference? Hoe is it measured?

  1. Discuss the working of Human Eye as a system of refraction of light.
Explain the phenomenon of Dispersion of Light by a Glass Prism.

  1. What is Oersted Experiment? What is effect of a Bar magnet on a compass needle?
What is an Electric Motor? Give its principle.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

  1. Define Nuclear Energy.
  2. A convex lens is of focal length 2 meter. What is the power of lens?
  3. What is the use of Rear view mirror in vehicles?
(Multiple Choice Questions)

  1. The stars appear to us slightly above than their actual position because of:
i)                Dispersion of light
ii)              Refraction of light
iii)            Absence of Atmosphere
iv)            Defraction of light

  1. Wave energy is a type of :
i)                Geothermal energy
ii)              Nuclear energy
iii)            Conventional source of energy
iv)            Non-conventional energy source

  1. The Ohm’s law can be expressed as:
i)                V/I=R
ii)              V=R/I
iii)            I=V/R
iv)            VR=I

  1. The arrangement of a cell, plug key, bulb and as ammeter is called:
i)                Electric Current
ii)              Electric Generator
iii)            Electric Circuit
iv)            Voltmeter
(Long Answer Type Questions)

  1. What are unsaturated hydrocarbons? Discuss briefly the types of unsaturated hydrocarbons.
What is a homologous series? Describe briefly the various homologous groups of organic compounds.

  1. (Short Answer Type Questions)
  2. Describe briefly any two types of chemical reactions with a example of each.
What is Rancidity? How can it be prevented?
  1. What are Acids? Give an idea of organic and mineral acids.
What is the importance of pH in everyday life?

  1. Explain the properties of ionic compounds.
What are the various methods of refining of metals?

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
  1. Distinguish between a ‘Group’ and a ‘Period’ of modern periodic table.
  2. Define Rusting.
  3. What are Dobereiner’s Triads?
(Multiple Choice Questions)
  1. The combustion of unsaturated hydrocarbons give a:
i)                Clean flame
ii)              Yellow flame
iii)            White flame
iv)            Pink flame

  1. The ionic end of a soap molecule is:
i)                Hydrophilic
ii)              Hydrophobic
iii)            Oil dissolving
iv)            All of these

  1. Which of the following is a balanced chemical equation?
i)                Mg + O2 = MgO
ii)              Mg + O2 = 2MgO
iii)            Mg + 2O2 = 2MgO
iv)            2Mg + O2 = 2MgO

  1. Common salt (NaCI) is:
i)                Acidic
ii)              Basic
iii)            Slightly Alkaline
iv)            Neutral
(Long Answer Type Questions)

  1. What is Respiration? Describe the Respiratory system of Human beings?
Describe how water and food materials are transported in plants.

(Short Answer Type Questions)

  1. Explain the various movements in plants due to growth.
Discuss the structure of Human Brain.

  1. Describe briefly the human male reproduction system.
What is vegetative propagation? What are its advantages?

  1. Differentiate Acquired traits from the inherited traits.
What are Analogous and Homologous organs? Give examples.

(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

  1. Give any two ways to manage garbage at home.
  2. Define food Chain.
  3. What is ‘Narmada Bachao Andolan’?

(Multiple Choice Questions)

  1. Fodder is obtained from:
i)                Bacteria and Nematodes
ii)              Leaves of plants
iii)            Water harvesting tanks
iv)            None of these

  1. When there is insufficient oxygen (Air) the combustion produces:
i)                Ozone gas
ii)              Carbon dioxide
iii)            Carbon monoxide
iv)            Hydrogen gas

  1. Spirogyra can reproduce by:
i)                Fission
ii)              Vegetative propagation
iii)            Fragmentation
iv)            Regeneration

  1. The amount of DNA in a new generation is:
i)                Double than previous
ii)              Equal to the Previous
iii)            Half of the previous
iv)            Three times than previous

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