8th Class Science Regular paper 2016 Jammu Jkbose

8th Class Science Regular paper 2016 Jammu Jkbose

8th Class Science Regular paper 2016 Jammu Jkbose

(Section -1)
Q1.Cholera is caused by ……………
Q2.Full form of LPG ………….
Q3.Species found only in particular area is known as ……..
Q4.The number of nuclei present in zygote is ………….
Q5.The number of oscillations per second of a vibrating object is called period.  (True/False)
Q6.The passage of electric current through a solution cause ……… effect.
Q7.Angle of incidence is always greater than the angle of reflection.   (True/False)
Q8.Metal react with oxide to produce ……. Gas.

(Section – 2)
Q9.What are contact forces? Give one example.
Q10.                    What are meteors?
Q11.                    Why we cannot store pickle in an aluminum utensil.
Q12.                    Define electroplating.
Q13.                    Define asexual reproduction.
Q14.                    Give three example of uni-cellular organism.

Q15.                    Give three differences between a star and planet.
Q16.                    What is dynamic friction or sliding friction? Why is dynamic friction slightly less than limiting friction?
Q17.                    Why phosphorous is stored in water?
Q18.                    Does pure water conduct electricity? If not, what we can do to make it conducting.
Q19.                    Differentiate between external and internal fertilization.

(Section – 3)
Q20.                    Define asexual reproduction. Describe two methods of asexual reproduction in animals.
Q21.                    Explain the difference between pure air and polluted air.

Q22.                    Friction is necessary evil. Explain?
Q23.                    Define friction? How it can be reduced.

Q24.                    Write five physical properties of metal. Explain malleability and ductility.

Q25.                    Give five uses of each metals and non-metal.

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