Jkbose old paper of entrepreneurship class 12th DOWNLOAD PDF from given link

(Long Answer Type Questions) 5 each
1. What is Market Assessment ? Discuss briefly the setps involved in Market Assessment.
Discuss the various factors involved in the selection of an  enterprise:

2. Explain the importance of Business Planning.                   0r
Define project. How is a project report prepared ?

3. What is Working capital ? Explain briefly factors affecting the working capital requirements of an enterprise.           
Describe how an entrepreneur mobilises financial and non financial resources for setting up of an enterprise.

4. What is Sales Promotion ? Describe the various tools of Sales Promotion.
What is meant by Growth ? Discuss the various stages of growth.

5. What is Marketing Mix ? Discuss the various components of Marketing Mix.
What is Human Resource Management ‘? Give its objectives.

(Short Answer Type Questions) 3 each

6. Give three objectives of Entrepreneurial Opportunities.

7. Explain environment Scanning process.

8. Give three factors affecting identification of Entrepreneurial opportunities.

9. What is Fixed Capital ?

10. Name the various phases of Project Life cycle.

11. What is meant by non-financial resources of an enterprise ?

12. What are main activities of ‘directing’ as a basic function of management ‘?

13. Explain any three sources of long term finance.

14. What is the importance of Diversification ?

(Very Short Answer Type Questions) 2 each

l5. What is meant by Ecology.

16. What is Franchising ?

17. How is Location of Enterprise for setting up of an enterprise necessary ?

18. Define Entrepreneurial opportunity.

19. What is Demand Forecasting ?

20. What are financial resources ?

21. What is Resource Assessment ?

22. What is meant by Pricing ?

23 Give the importance of modernisation.

(Objective Type Questions)          1  each

24. Patents form a part of
 (a) Working capital
 (b) Fixed capital
(c) Both (a) and (b)
 (d) Neither (a)  no (b)

25. The dangers of ploughing back of profits are :

(a) Creation of monopolies
(b) Depriving the freedom of investors
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

26. The contents of financial resources are:
(a) Equity.   
(b) Debt
(c)Both (a) and (b)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

27. A product may be :
(a)  Idea
(b) Physical entity
(c) Service
(d) All of these

28. A project is always undertaken on the requirement of its customers. (True/False)  

29. Management is a dynamic function.     

30. Sale promotion does not act a bridge between personal selling and advertising. (True/False)

31. ................... is the life blood and nerve centre of a business.

32. When  two or more concerns dealing in same product or service join together, it is known as ................. merger.

33. A thinking process which is concerned with the mental state of a manager is called ................ . 

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