Jkbose old paper of physical education paper for better understanding and preparing exam pattern
Time : 3 Hours] [Maximum Marks : 60
(Long Answer Type Questions) 5 each
l. Explain how you can develop strength as well as endurance through Circuit training. Write ltS advantages also.
Highlight the main features of Interval and Fartlek training.
Highlight the main features of Interval and Fartlek training.
2. Explain in detail the role of in individual in improvement of environment for Prevention of sports related accident.
Highlight the meaning and need of environment. Explain why good environmental. Condition are essential for physical Education Programme.
3 Give a brief history of Basketball. Explain the fundamental skills in details
Mention various Running events in Athletic. Explain. any one events with Technique.
Mention various Running events in Athletic. Explain. any one events with Technique.
(Short Answer Type Questions) 3 each
4. Enlist the element of Yoga and explain any two elements in detail.
5. Describe three components of Physical fitness.
6. Discuss the need and importance pi Moral Education.
7. Explain any three sports related injuries.
8. Discuss how you can develop leadership qualities through themedium of sports.
9. How the culture heritage of game and sports is carried in various countries ?
10. Explain the method of using Acceleration Run for developing speed.
(Very Short Answer Type Questions) . 2 each
11. Write any four latest rules of cricket.
12.. How does moral values help in building a good sports person.
13: Write briefly the importance of Sociology in Physical Education and Sports.
14. What drugs affect on Sports Performance ‘?
15. Briefly write about any two elements of Positive environment.
16. Discuss calisthenics as a mean for fitness development.
17. Write a short note on Role of Yoga in sports.
(c)Choose the most appropriate true answers
(i) Anaerobic endurance is also called vascular endurance
(ii) The number of extra players in circket are seven.
(D) Answer the following questions in a few words or sentences or
as may be required : 2x1
(i) What is Sports Sociology ?
(ii) Define speed.
(objective Type Questions)
Choose the correct most appropriate answer and write it in your answer book :
i. Who defined Sociology as “Sociology is a science of collective behaviour
(a) jf Cuber
(b) LF. ward
(c) Park and Burgess
(d) None of these
(a) jf Cuber
(b) LF. ward
(c) Park and Burgess
(d) None of these
(ii) Another name for Dynamic strength is :
(a) Isometric strength (b) Isotonic strength
(c) Isokinetic strength (d) None of these
(iii) Circumference of Table tennis ball is :
(a) 37 to 38 mm (b) 37-2 to 38-2 mm
(c) 37.2 to 38.5 mm (d) None of these
(B) Fill ‘in the blanks with appropriate answers : 3x1 ’
i. Interval Training method was introduced by ................ ..
(ii) Sport and Games help toreduce .............
(iii) ................. define leadership capacity to rally people for common purpose.
(c)Choose the most appropriate true answers
(i) Anaerobic endurance is also called vascular endurance
(ii) The number of extra players in circket are seven.
(D) Answer the following questions in a few words or sentences or
as may be required : 2x1
(i) What is Sports Sociology ?
(ii) Define speed.
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